Monday 12 July 2010

My new blog

Example news article:

Struggling Authors have just posted an exclusive interview with author, Teresa Geering upon the release of her debut novel, The Eye of Erasmus.

Here's a taster and a link to the complete piece:

Sammi) Tell us a little about the last couple of weeks and what was actually involved in pulling the whole project together.

TG) For the last couple of weeks I have been the renowned headless chicken! Many phone calls of congratulations to take, (Mops brow) I have done video shoots for Youtube, emailed all the local book shops asking for book signings. Local press and radio are yet to be informed as I need a copy of the book to show them, for achievement of best publicity. In the last couple of days I have been out and about amongst local farmers I know, asking for space on their farmers’ market stalls, or even among the hayricks of their farms. (I will go anywhere to sign and sell books!) I had no idea just how much work is involved… Gone are the days of finding a publisher and then sitting back on laurel leaves eating grapes. Unless your J.K.R. of course.

The complete interview can be viewed here >


  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of Blogging! Enjoy the ride :-)

  2. Hi Colin
    The site is looking fantastic. Don't forget to update us as to whats going on in your world. Visit our blogs if you want + leave a comment. Pop over for a chat on .... See you there Tee

  3. Thanks to both. I've been to the forum on stuggling authorsand left a comment on your blogs I hope I'm on the right track. It's all still a little confusing. When Richard gets back from his holiday and flying 'jolly' I'll have a quick word with him.
